Oral Precancer: Diagnosis and Management of Potentially Malignant Disorders (pdf)

Oral Precancer: Diagnosis and Management of Potentially Malignant Disorders (pdf)

Author :

Rates of new oral cancer cases continue to increase and mortality rates remain alarmingly high. Oral
cancer may be preceded by clinically identifiable precancerous changes in the oral mucosa, which offer a therapeutic window of opportunity to intervene and halt disease progression to carcinoma development.

Written and edited by prominent researchers in the field, Oral Precancer:

Reviews current scientific research on precancer conditions of the oral cavity providing evidence-based analysis of the nature and behavior of potentially malignant and deforming oral diseases
Explains the principles of prevention, diagnosis and management of potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity
Details a practical and reliable interventional treatment strategy to facilitate early diagnosis and effective treatment of both precancer and early invasive carcinoma
Contains a chapter devoted to illustrative case histories, high-quality, color, clinical photos, reference sections in each chapter listing relevant review articles, and more
From start to finish, Oral Precancer offers undergraduate students, clinicians, and professors an invaluable resource to minimise the morbidity and mortality of this most significant and life threatening of oral conditions.

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