Risk Management for Dentists (pdf)

Risk Management for Dentists (pdf)

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George Washington’s dentures were built of hippopotamus tusk, gold, elephant ivory, and human teeth, by John Greenwood. Though he was never pleased, George never sued John. Alas, that was 200 years ago. Today, 98% of the American public suffers from dental disease and 6,000,000 teeth are removed annually, and that’s lots and lots of lawsuits just waiting to be filed!
If Dr. N.L. Schafler can sell a three-volume set of books (1040 pages in total, costing $325) telling attorneys how to prepare dental malpractice cases, then you deserve at least a shorter, definitive, step-by-step $49 book that tells you (1) how to avoid being sued and (2) what to do if you are!

Written by Jack Mumme, whose company specialized in claim and risk management and handled over 17,250 medical and dental malpractice claims over a 23-year period, representing 200 hospitals nationwide, plus 1100 emergency room physicians and 550 cosmetic surgeons and dentists, all self-insured.

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