Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach, 4th Edition (pdf)

Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach, 4th Edition (pdf)

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Welcome to the Fourth Edition of an established, widely utilized, and reliable resource in dental assisting! As an instructor, you need a complete resource that contains all the necessary content to train your dental assisting students. DENTAL ASSISTING: A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH delivers inclusive coverage of the basic and advanced clinical skills you need to master. This complete learning system includes the most current information on leading dental practices/procedures, equipment, and patient safety standards, as well as, incorporates animation, video, step-by-step photo illustrations, real-life case studies, and dynamic review materials. Quite simply, this best- seller is a trusted resource for any dental assistant preparing for a successful career in the field.

Accompanying StudyWare software includes multiple video clips and animations.
Optional Interactive Skills and Procedures software features activities on pathology and instrument identification, tray setups, and moutning radiographs.
Real world photos and dynamic life-like illustrations bring dental practice to life.
Advanced “Chairside Functions” sections are highlighted and integrated throughout the chapters.
Dynamic interaction –The Dental Assisting Interactive Skills and Procedures Software helps build knowledgeable, quality, and skilled professionals through engaging activities that simulate dental assisting skills such as dental charting, tray setup, radiograph mounting, pathology identification, and taking vital signs. (Optional purchase with text.)
Content Reinforcement – Companion StudyWARE contains over 1,500 learning activities, quizzes, animations, and video clips to help you study key concepts and to test your comprehension.
Descriptive detail – Step-by-step procedures with icons indicating handwashing, gloves, mask and protective eye-wear, basic setup, and expanded functions provide detailed information on dental assisting competencies
Critical thinking – Case studies present real-life scenarios requiring a problem/solution approach. Put your knowledge into practice and arrive at a deeper understanding of the dental assisting profession.
Icons – Graphic icons pinpoint information that relates to legal, safety, technology, global or cultural issues, expanded function, and certified dental assisting (CDA) competencies.
Technology – CD icons indicate when a chapter has corresponding activities on the enclosed StudyWARE or optional Skills CD to enhance the learning experience and increase remediation.
Chapter outlines – Provide a roadmap to the material in each chapter and allow the reader to target topic areas of interest before progressing through the chapter.
Key Terms – All key terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter and are covered in context through the chapter. Full definitions of each term is is listed in the glossary.
Procedures – Step-by-step procedures are clearly detailed and supported visually for each dental assisting competency. Icons at the beginning of each procedure indicate which function, instrument, and protective equipment are required for the procedure.
Color illustrations, photos and tables – Full-color illustrations and photos with detailed captions reinforce chapter material.
Pronunciation of difficult terms – Provides the student with a pronunciation guide the first time difficult terms appear in the text.
Chapter Summaries – Emphasize key concepts from the chapter to help you focus your study.
Case Studies – Present real-life scenarios requiring a problem/solution approach. Use the case studies to put your knowledge into practice and to arrive at a deeper understanding of the dental assisting profession.
Review Questions – Test your comprehension of the chapter with structured multiple choise questions and open-ended critical thinking questions that require you to combine an understanding of chapter material with your personal insight and judgment.
Web activities – Internet exercises in each chapter encourage Web searches to locate information.
New to this Edition

Covers the latest CPR standards from the American Heart Association.
All-new coverage on 3-D imaging using the cross beam technique, as well as on electron imaging, appear in the text.
Latest instrumentation and equipment such as XTS composite instruments, Isolite, 3D imaging using the cross beam technique and electron imaging, and handheld radiography.
New detailed coverage on facebow, sealants, denture adjustments, and light bleaching has been incorporated.
Addresses new standards for improvement of patient care.
Additional content on patient monitoring devices such as pulse oximetry, capnography, and electrocardiography has been included to connect you to the latest equipment advances and updates.
CourseMate includes an interactive eBook, interactive learning tools, including Quizzes, Flashcards, Videos, and more, as well as Engagement Tracker, which allows instructors to track individual or class progress(Optional purchase with text.)

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