Head and Neck Imaging Cases (pdf)

Head and Neck Imaging Cases (pdf)

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Head and Neck Imaging Cases uses 366 cases and more than 3000 images to familiarize you with imaging findings of common head and neck diseases and conditions encountered in daily practice. Rarer diseases that have typical image findings as well as normal variants and benign conditions that may be mistaken as abnormalities or malignancies are also included. Reflecting real-world practice, CT and MRI are the main modalities illustrated throughout the book. In addition, you will find cases utilizing fluoroscopy, PET-CT, conventional angiogram/interventional radiology, and radiotherapy/radiosurgery.

The book’s easy-to-navigate organization is specifically designed for use at the workstation. The concise, quick-scan text, numerous images, helpful icons, and pearls speed and simplify the learning process.

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