Nutrition and Oral Medicine (pdf)

Nutrition and Oral Medicine (pdf)

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Nutrition and Oral Medicine was written to fill an existing void in the nutrition and dental literature. The primary aims of this book are to target the known complex, multifaceted relationships between diet/nutrition and oral health. The reader will find chapters focusing on oral and dental diseases and disorders, oral manifestations of systemic diseases, and discussions of the synergy between oral tissues and nutrients. Specific topics, such as diet and head, neck, and oral cancers, are examined in the light of nutrition intervention strategies. Oral and systemic diseases and orofacial pain syndromes are addressed via their relationship and impact on nutrition status, the impact of medications and treatments on the oral cavity and nutrition status. Suggested management strategies are paired with selected topics. Cutting-edge research issues regarding the relationship of individual antioxidants, trace elements, polyphenols, and other nutrient substrates and oral health/disease are covered. The links between compromised immunity, oral infections,

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