Pocket Atlas of Endodontics (pdf)

Pocket Atlas of Endodontics (pdf)

Author :

Endodontology has seen enormous advances in recent years. New high-tech tools, such as operative microscopes in combination with ultrasound and nickel-titanium files, make possible a high-level of quality in treatment with excellent long-term treatment results. Regular updating of knowledge is indispensable for every practitioner. This book provides a fast and up-to-date orientation of the entire area of endodontology. Didactic concept: The classic Thieme Flexi format, with concise text on the left and excellent illustrations on the right hand page of more than 150 double page spreads.Oriented toward problem-solving:
What is to be done with ongoing pain?
How should one react in an emergency situation? What special considerations are there in children?
What should one do in the case of obliterated canals, perforations, and incomplete growth of roots?
When results are poor, how does one plan revision procedures?
Efficient treatment planning, newest methods

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