Essentials of Pharmacology for Dentistry  1st Edition (pdf)

Essentials of Pharmacology for Dentistry 1st Edition (pdf)

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Essentials of Pharmacology for Dentistry 1st Edition
This book provides a comprehensive and contemporary pharmacological knowledge specifically tailored to the needs of dentistry. It covers a broad range of topics from principles of drug action to systemic pharmacology and emphasizes on drugs that are commonly employed in dental practice. Its study would enable the dentist to rationally select the drug for common dental conditions and prescribe to administer them with understanding and confidence.This book helps students to learn about orodental adverse effects of drug therapy and the possibility of drug interactions and equips them with knowledge to institute first hand treatment of certain medical emergencies that may arise during dental procedures. In a systematic manner it defines the class of drugs, followed by their classification. Also their implications in dentistry are highlighted, such as drugs and diseases affecting ostentation homeostasis, dental procedures in patients on corticosteroid therapy, or in diabetics, oral complications of cancer chemothe.

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