Reconstructive Aesthetic Implant Surgery (pdf)

Reconstructive Aesthetic Implant Surgery (pdf)

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Reconstructive Aesthetic Implant Surgery
Aesthetic implant dentistry has grown significantly in the last few years. This text/reference has been written by one of the world’s most proven authorities in the field – Dr. Abd El Askary. A respected clinician, speaker, researcher, and practitioner in the field of aesthetic implants; El Askary’s “hands-on” clinical approach to dental aesthetics will guide the reader through each case step-by-step. This practical guide grew out of increased demand from general practitioners and students who want a guide that leads them in solving the problems typically encountered in practice. This book is specifically designed to improve the student/practitioner’s surgical, prosthetic and case design skills. This is what makes this book unique, the aspect of teaching as a step-by-step gradual, clinical flow designed to simplify procedures for the clinician.

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