Sleep Apnea and Snoring: Surgical and Non-Surgical Therapy (pdf)

Sleep Apnea and Snoring: Surgical and Non-Surgical Therapy (pdf)

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Sleep Apnea and Snoring: Surgical and Non-Surgical Therapy
Finally, a multi-disciplinary approach that covers both the surgical and non-surgical interventions for sleep apnea and snoring. From the editor of Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology, this new reference will quickly become the standard in surgery for this key area within otolaryngology. ., Full-color line drawings illustrate key concepts and create a comprehensive way of learning surgical techniques.
Provides consistent, templated chapters and a contemporary, full-color format for quick, easy access to the most up-to-date surgical and non surgical interventions for sleep apnea and snoring.
Includes contributions from leaders in neurology, pulmonology, psychiatry, otolaryngology, and oral & maxillofacial surgery. to create a truly multi-disciplinary approach.
Covers new and innovative procedures including ZPP (Zeta palatopharyngoplasty), Transpalatal Advancement Pharyngoplasty and Minimally invasive submucosal glossectomy
Details when and why surgery is necessary, and how to perform a successful operation for snoring and sleep apnea.

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