Essential Pathology for Dental Students, 3rd Edition (pdf)

Essential Pathology for Dental Students, 3rd Edition (pdf)

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Essential Pathology for Dental Students, 3rd Edition
Third revised and modern edition of Essential Pathology for Dental Students is being presented to readers to keep pace with the advances in pathology and contemporary technology.

The first edition of this book was prepared in 1995 according to the syllabus prescribed by the Dental Council of India for BDS students of second year. Their syllabus includes mainly General Pathology and Haematology; and as an author, at that time I had felt then that there was no need to over-burden them with details of Systemic Pathology which was not included in their syllabus. However, I realised on the basis of the subsequent feedback that their quest for learning more Pathology was almost as much as MBBS students. It could be owing to two reasons: Firstly, BDS students study in the same campuses as MBBS students in vast majority of colleges and share their study material, and are also taught by the same teachers in Pathology whose expectations from both categories are almost the same. Secondly, there is so wide discretion with the teacher, examiner and author in giving details of examples of diseases in General Pathology (e.g. in infections, tumours) that it would really be difficult to draw a line where General Pathology ends and Systemic Pathology begins.

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