Dental Implant Prosthetics 2nd Edition (pdf)

Dental Implant Prosthetics 2nd Edition (pdf)

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Dental Implant Prosthetics 2nd Edition (pdf)
Written by the foremost authority in the field, Dental Implants Prosthetics, 2nd Edition helps you advance your skills and understanding of implant prosthetics. Comprehensive coverage includes both simple and complicated clinical cases, with practical guidance on how to apply the latest research, diagnostic tools, treatment planning, implant designs, materials, and techniques to provide superior patient outcomes.

• Treatment supported by clinical evidence equips students with a more targeted evidence-based approach to patient procedures.

• NEW! Emphasis on treatment planning helps decrease the number of visits while providing effective, long-term results for the patient.
• NEW! Focus on the patient presentation offers the latest treatment options for bone harvesting, restoration and recovery.
• NEW! Original illustrations and photos highlight and clarify key clinical concepts and techniques.

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