Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering in Dental Sciences 1st Edition (pdf)

Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering in Dental Sciences 1st Edition (pdf)

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Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering in Dental Sciences, 1st Edition (pdf)
Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering in Dental Sciences bridges the gap left by many tissue engineering and stem cell biology titles to highlight the importance of research in this field in the dental sciences. It compiles basic embryology and developmental biology with keen focus on stem cells, basic cell and matrix biology with relevance to tissue regeneration and repair, biomaterials (including nanotechnology) and current applications in various disciplines of dental science. Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field of biomedical research—which combines life, engineering, and materials sciences—to further the maintenance, repair, and replacement of diseased and damaged tissues. This emerging area of research applies an understanding of normal tissue physiology to develop novel biomaterial, acellular, and cell-based therapies for clinical application. These strategies are being developed and evaluated as potential treatments of dental conditions, particularly periodontology, endodontics, dental implantology, and oral-maxillofacial surgery.

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