3D radiology in dentistry - Diagnosis pre-operative planning follow-up (pdf)

3D radiology in dentistry - Diagnosis pre-operative planning follow-up (pdf)

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3D radiology in dentistry - Diagnosis pre-operative planning follow-up (pdf)
The 3D world is an amusement park where you can run through and catch the most refined details leading to the discovery of a universe which is disclosing itself more and more interesting and surprising day after day.

The CBCT is an outstanding breakthrough for dentistry. It opens a new frontier and allows us to make precise diagnosis where traditional tools were insufficient. In daily practice we are often faced with situations where the X-ray scans and our patient’s symptoms do not concur, or may even lead us to multiple scenarios with differential diagnoses. When a dentist look at a traditional radiograph, one’s always think, in fact, that it is a two-dimensional image of something that actually has three dimensions. At last, thanks to CBCT we have the missing dimension, which amplifies our knowledge exponentially.

Reading the text we can see the enthusiasm and the passion with which the authors have produced this book. Each chapter is a font of information, every detail has been carefully examined, and each clinical case has been extensively reported. The introductory chapters provide the reader with the knowledge and basic tools to understand CBCT. Everything else is a highly enjoyable atlas which includes the use of CBCT in both clinical and surgical dentistry, and describes in detail not only the diagnostic phase but also the operational use to plan individual cases and control the future outcome.

This book is intended to be consulted many times, every day, because it is extremely useful for those who approach this new dimension of dentistry and require a guide. Moreover, the authors explain, in a very simple way, concepts that are not at all simple, thus demonstrating their expertise and deep knowledge of the subject.

Quoting Einstein: “You do not really understand something until you are able to explain it to your grandmother.” I’m sure that by reading this exceptional text, even my grandmother would understand CBCT!

I wish the authors all the success they deserve, and to the readers ... happy reading!

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