Pathology of the Hard Dental Tissues (pdf)

Pathology of the Hard Dental Tissues (pdf)

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This is a seminal text uniquely dedicated to oral hard tissue pathology, presenting the growth of clinical knowledge and advancement in the field in recent years. Starting with a discussion of numerical and formative anomalies and unusual eruption, the book goes on to consider caries, erosion, resorption and toothwear, as well as tooth fractures and discolouration, and ends with a chapter on congenital syndromes with dental anomalies.

Pathology of the Hard Dental Tissues is an invaluable reference for specialist practitioners and researchers as well as dental students, combining a scholarly overview of the field with clinical management protocols.

Includes prevention techniques as well as treatment regimes

Contains many colour clinical photographs
Accompanied by a large number of references
Provides helpful tables to categorise the causes and characteristics of lesions
Written by a leading expert in the field

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