Dental CT: Third Eye in Dental Implants (pdf)

Dental CT: Third Eye in Dental Implants (pdf)

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Dental implants are the future of dentistry. Oral radiology is the third dimension for a successful dental implant practice. Two-dimensional imaging shares its limitations in dental implantology which was easily overcome by the advent of dental CT. The 3-D imaging provides a clear relationship between structures that could be obscure on 2-D images. CBCT is useful for assessing impacted teeth, particularly the relationship between mandibular third molars and mandibular canals. It is also valuable in assessing implant positioning and preimplant bone augmentation to provide the best possible prosthodontics reconstructive outcome. This book is particularly useful for demonstrating the value of 3-D imaging for the specific purpose of dental implant planning. Describes the various dental programs optimized for dental applications of computed tomography, in particular focuses on the utility of dental CT for implantology oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, periodontics, advances in implant imaging and case studies. Emphasises on basic principles and detailed description of the steps for each examination methods such as how to position the patient and interpret the images for getting desired result. Qualities of the images are high resolution including both normal anatomic structures in the regions of interest and various common pathologic conditions. The principles and examples of radiographic interpretation are fully applicable to cone-beam imaging. This book is aimed both at “old dogs” and “new dogs” to dental CT in implantology.

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