Biodental Engineering (pdf)

Biodental Engineering (pdf)

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The aim of Biodental Engineering is to solidify knowledge of bioengineering applied to dentistry. Dentistry is a branch of medicine with its own peculiarities and very diverse areas of action, and in recent years multiple new techniques and technologies have been introduced.

This book is a collection of keynote lectures and full papers from Biodental 2009 (Porto, Portugal, 26-27 June 2009). The contributions are from nine countries and provide a comprehensive coverage of the current state-of-the-art on several scientific and relevant fields, such as:

Biomechanical disorders
Dental systems
Medical devices
Medical images
The techniques and methodologies covered in this book include, among others, the finite element method, experimental techniques, composite materials, clinical studies, biomaterials, rapid prototyping, fracture mechanics, osseointegration, biomechanics, dental prostheses, image processing and analysis, dental systems and equipments and mechanical biology. The book is useful to dentists, engineers, researchers and students in fields of bioengineering, and to suppliers and providers of medical systems, equipment and services related to dentistry.

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