Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry, 8th Edition (pdf)

Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry, 8th Edition (pdf)

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Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry, 8th Edition
The new edition of this bestselling dental textbook has been thoroughly updated to keep abreast of current knowledge of the disease processes, and the role of operative dentistry in their management. The book describes, clearly and concisely, the indications and methods for many common operative and conservative procedures in dental practice. Procedures and techniques are illustrated in full colour, and where appropriate, step-by-step sequences are given. Its popularity lies in the fact that it doubles as an atlas, and the text is clear and accessible. The new co-author, Tim Watson, is well known as an expert in adhesive dentistry. A new chapter has been added on adhesion and adhesive restorations, since these are now the first choice for primary lesions for all surfaces and all teeth in the mouth. Amalgam is still thoroughly described, but bonding techniques are now included with a shift away from pins where retention is a problem. The diagnosis of failed restorations has been updated in the light of new research and techniques for refurbishment and repair of restorations are advocated where appropriate. As in previous editions, the approach is disease and prevention orientated, is problem based and the changes have a research evidence-base.

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