Essentials of Pediatric Dentistry (pdf)

Essentials of Pediatric Dentistry (pdf)

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Essentials of Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry also known as pedodontics; is the area of dentistry concerned with dentistry for adolescents and children including preventive and therapeutic oral health care from birth through adolescence with adjunctive special care for special patients demonstrating mental, physical or emotional problems beyond the age of adolescence. Pediatric Dentistry incorporates various branches within itself such as restorative; endodontics; preventive; rehabilitation; radiology; oral surgery; oral medicine; evidence based practice dealing with the cases of child abuse, child neglect, oral burns and bitemarks also reports the practical importance of study in the field of pediatric dentistry. Pediatric Dentistry also incorporates the issues of Dental Public Health which is a field of study within the broader field of Public Health; which prevent dental diseases and help promoting dental health through organized community efforts. Pediatric Dentistry is in itself is a modulated or totally altered phase of dentistry of usually practiced in general for adult patients from instruments, procedures, rehabilitation and treatment outcomes; so to achieve complete knowledge of dentistry and for targeting independency in practicing one must be with complete knowledge of general and pediatric dentistry; the basic text has been written in an attempt to make our understanding of pediatric dentistry accessible to undergraduates and general practitioner by providing integrated concepts with better elaboration; synthesizing the very latest clinical concepts. The organization of text serves as format for dealing various procedures to be undertaken in children with different age groups with special concern towards the practical importance of subject itself.

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