Orban’s Oral Histology & Embryology 13E (pdf)

Orban’s Oral Histology & Embryology 13E (pdf)

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Orban’s Oral Histology & Embryology 13E (pdf)
First published in 1944, Orban’s Oral Histology and Embryology has become the classic text for successive generations of dental students. This thirteenth edition, while retaining the same fundamentals and lucid writing style, reflects upon the recent advances and latest curriculum offered in Indian universities.

New to this Edition

All chapters have been extensively revised and updated
Incorporates Summary and Review Questions at the end of each chapter for the benefit of the students
All line illustrations have been modified and poor photographs have been replaced with improved ones for better understanding of the subject
New chapter on Lymphoid Tissue and Lymphatics in Orofacial Region
Preparation of Specimens for Histologic Study upgraded as a chapter
Salient Features

Incorporates all relevant changes especially in the field of molecular biology
Discusses molecular biological aspects of oral tissues
Emphasizes clinical relevance of oral histological aspects

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