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Atlas of Oral Microbiology: From Healthy Microflora to Disease (pdf) Atlas of Oral Microbiology: From Healthy Microflora to Disease (pdf) Xuedong Zhou (Editor), Yuqing Li (Editor)
Atlas of Oral Microbiology: From Healthy Microflora to Disease (pdf)
Atlas of Oral Microbiology provides a complete description of the oral microbial systems, illustrating them with a large variety of bacteria culture images and electron microscopy photos.
Essential Microbiology for Dentistry, 4th Edition (pdf) Essential Microbiology for Dentistry, 4th Edition (pdf) Lakshman Samaranayake
The new edition of this highly successful book continues to offer readers everything they require to gain a full understanding of microbiology as it relates to modern dental practice.

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Dental CT: Third Eye in Dental Implants (pdf) - Prashant P Jaju ,Sushma P Jaju ,Prashant V Suvarna, Pratik Dedhia

Clinical Implantology 1E (pdf) - Ajay Vikram Singh

Clinical Success in Surgical and Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth (pdf) - Jean-Marie Korbendau

Esthetic Dentistry: A Clinical Approach to Techniques and Materials (pdf) - Kenneth W. Aschheim

Fundamentals of Color: Shade Matching and Communication in Esthetic Dentistry, 2nd Edition (.epub) - Stephen J. Chu, Alessandro Devigus, Rade Paravina, Adam J. Mieleszko

Preventing Medical Emergencies: Use of the Medical History (pdf) - Frieda Pickett

Orthopantomography (pdf) - Ignazio Pandolfo, Silvio Mazziotti, Tommaso D’Angelo, Sergio Racchiusa