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Cone Beam CT and 3D imaging: A Practical Guide (pdf) Cone Beam CT and 3D imaging: A Practical Guide (pdf) Pietro Caruso, Enzo Silvestri, Luca Maria Sconfienza
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become the standard of reference in dental imaging. The distribution of CBCT devices is increasingly wide
Atlas of Head and Neck Ultrasound (pdf) Atlas of Head and Neck Ultrasound (pdf) Heinrich Iro, Alessandro Bozzato, Johannes Zenk
Written by internationally renowned experts, this exceptional and most comprehensive atlas provides readers with a didactic exposure to the principles of ultrasound and its application
Atlas of Head and Neck Imaging: The Extracranial Head and Neck (pdf) Atlas of Head and Neck Imaging: The Extracranial Head and Neck (pdf) Suresh K. Mukherji, Vincent Chong
Designed for easy use at the PACS station of viewbox, here is your right-hand tool and pictorial guide for locating, identifying, and accurately diagnosing lesions of the extracranial head and neck. This beautifully produced atlas employs the spaces concept of analysis
Atlas of Cone Beam Imaging for Dental Applications, 2nd Edition (.epub ) Atlas of Cone Beam Imaging for Dental Applications, 2nd Edition (.epub ) Dale A. Miles
Cone beam imaging is fast becoming common place in dental practices for every specialty, and this best-selling book has been updated to reflect the ways in which cone beam computed tomography
The Teaching Files: Head and Neck Imaging: Expert Consult – Online and Print (pdf) The Teaching Files: Head and Neck Imaging: Expert Consult – Online and Print (pdf) Girish M. Fatterpekar, Peter M. Som, Thomas P. Naidich,
The Teaching Files: Head and Neck Imaging, by Dr. Girish Fatterpekar, MD, with its easy-to-use, templated organization, well-presented case reviews, and high-yield imaging examples
Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology, 2nd Edition (pdf) Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology, 2nd Edition (pdf) Freny R. Karjodkar
It is with this very thought in mind that the second edition of the Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology has been written for the new generation of dental students and the practitioners, so that they can update their knowledge.
Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology (pdf) Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology (pdf) Freny R. Karjodkar
This book presents a new, simple and easy to consult approach in taking and interpreting dental radiographs.
Step by Step® Oral Radiology (pdf) Step by Step® Oral Radiology (pdf) Ram Kumar Srivastava
The aims and objectives of the book Step by Step Oral Radiology is to provide a basic and practical knowledge in the subject of dental radiography required by undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.
Head and Neck Cancer Imaging, 2nd Edition (pdf) Head and Neck Cancer Imaging, 2nd Edition (pdf) Prof. Robert Hermans
Imaging is crucial in the multidisciplinary approach to head and neck cancer management. The rapid technological development of recent years makes it necessary for all members of the multidisciplinary team to understand the potential applications, limitations
Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology (pdf) Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology (pdf) Friedrich A. Pasler, Heiko Visser
In this age of highly specialized medical imaging, an examination of the teeth and alveolar bone is almost unthinkable without the use of radiographs.
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: A Diagnostic Approach (pdf) Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: A Diagnostic Approach (pdf) David MacDonald
To the dentist or maxillofacial practitioner, radiology is an essential diagnostic discipline and a valuable tool for treatment planning. Now more than ever
Head and Neck Radiology, Two-Volume (.EPUB) Head and Neck Radiology, Two-Volume (.EPUB) Anthony A Mancuso ,William N. Hanafee
Written and edited by acknowledged masters in the field, this two-volume full-color text is the most comprehensive and current reference on head and neck radiology. It features more than 10,000 images and covers every disorder in every region of the head and neck.
Head and Neck Imaging Cases (pdf) Head and Neck Imaging Cases (pdf) Osamu Sakai, MD, PhD,
Head and Neck Imaging Cases uses 366 cases and more than 3000 images to familiarize you with imaging findings of common head and neck diseases and conditions encountered in daily practice.
Head and Neck Imaging: Case Review Series, 3rd Edition (pdf) Head and Neck Imaging: Case Review Series, 3rd Edition (pdf) Nafi Aygun, David M. Yousem
One of the best selling volumes in the Case Review Series is now revised, with all new cases and a new question & answer format –
Head and Neck Imaging: A Teaching File, 2nd Edition (pdf) Head and Neck Imaging: A Teaching File, 2nd Edition (pdf) Anthony A Mancuso Sharat Bidari Bruno Termote Berit M Verbist Reordan DeJesus
Teaching Files are one of the hallmarks of radiology education, providing the kind of personal consultation with experts normally found only in the setting of a teaching hospital.
Essentials of Dental Radiography for Dental Assistants and Hygienists, 9th Edition (pdf) Essentials of Dental Radiography for Dental Assistants and Hygienists, 9th Edition (pdf) Evelyn M. Thomson, Orlen N. Johnson
This clear, up-to-date, and student-friendly text tightly links oral radiological principles with modern practice.
Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology, 4th Edition (pdf) Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology, 4th Edition (pdf) Eric Whaites
This is the 4th edition of this classic textbook, which is used in nearly all dental schools in the UK and in many other countries.
Color Atlas of Cone Beam Volumetric Imaging for Dental Applications (.epub) Color Atlas of Cone Beam Volumetric Imaging for Dental Applications (.epub) Dale A. Miles
Now regarded as the standard of care for some applications in dentistry, cone beam volumetric imaging (CBVI) is profoundly influencing clinical decision making like no other imaging modality developed in the past century.
Exercises in Oral Radiology and Interpretation, 4th Edition (pdf) Exercises in Oral Radiology and Interpretation, 4th Edition (pdf) Robert P Langlais
An effective study tool for mastering radiography, this valuable question-and-answer book reinforces integral skills including film handling, exposures, and clinical technique.
Direct Diagnosis in Radiology: Head and Neck Imaging (pdf) Direct Diagnosis in Radiology: Head and Neck Imaging (pdf) Ulrich Moedder, Mathias Cohnen, Kjel Andersen, Volkher Engelbrecht, Benjamin Fritz
Dx-Direct is a series of eleven Thieme books covering the main subspecialties in radiology. It includes all the cases you are most likely to see in your typical working day as a radiologist.
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Textbook of Endodontology, 2nd Edition (pdf) - Gunnar Bergenholtz, Preben Hørsted-Bindslev, Claes Reit

Clinical Success in Early Orthodontic Treatment (EPUB) - Antonio Patti, Guy Perrier D’Arc

Essential Pathology for Dental Students, 4th Edition (pdf) - Harsh Mohan, Sugandha Mohan

State-of-the-Art Orthodontics: Self-Ligating Appliances, Miniscrews and Second Molars Extraction (pdf) - Hugo Trevisi, Reginaldo C. Trevisi Zanelato

Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, 4th Edition (pdf) - B. K. B. Berkovitz, G. R. Holland, B. J. Moxham

Tobacco and Your Oral Health (.EPUB) - Arden G. Christen, Jennifer A. Klein

Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist (pdf) - Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist (pdf)