Three-Dimensional Cephalometry: A Color Atlas and Manual (pdf)

Three-Dimensional Cephalometry: A Color Atlas and Manual (pdf)

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This richly illustrated colour atlas and manual provides orthodontists, maxillofacial and plastic craniofacial surgeons, genetic dysmorphologists and medical anthropologists with exhaustive information on all aspects of three-dimensional cephalometric analysis of hard and soft tissues. The book offers practical, straightforward “step-by-step” guidance for both clinicians and researchers interested in 3-D assessment of the head and face.


Radiographic cephalometry has been one of the most important diagnostic tools in orthodontics, since its introduction in the early 1930s by Broadbent in the United States and Hofrath in Germany. Generations of orthodontists have relied on the interpretation of these images for their diagnosis and treatment planning as well as for the long-term follow-up of growth and treatment results. Also in the planning for surgical orthodontic corrections of jaw discrepancies, lateral and antero-posterior cephalograms have been valuable tools. For these purposes numerous cephalometric analyses are available. However, a major drawback of the existing technique is that it renders only a twodimensional representation of a three-dimensional structure.
It was almost 75 years before the next step could be taken in the use of cephalometrics for clinical and research purposes. The development of computed tomography and the dramatic decrease in radiation dose of the newer devices brings three-dimensional analysis of the head and face to the scene.A major step forward is also that 3D hard and soft tissue representations can be combined in the same image, which enables in depth analysis of these tissues in relation to each other possible.

With “Three-Dimensional Cephalometry – A Color Atlas and Manual” by the authors Swennen, Schutyser and Hausamen you have an exciting book in your hands. It shows you how the head can be analysed in three dimensions with the aid of 3D-cephalometry. Of course, at the moment the technique is not available in every orthodontic office around the corner. However, especially for the planning of more complex cases where combined surgical – orthodontic treatment is indicated, it is my sincere conviction that within
10 years time 3D cephalometry will have changed our way of thinking about planning and clinical handling of these patients.

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