Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry (pdf)

Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry (pdf)

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Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry (pdf)
The Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry provides the clinician with an increased level of expertise and skills for timely identification and intervention for various presentations in the developing dentition. It also clearly describes procedures for treatment in the primary and young permanent dentitions, including pulp therapy for primary and young permanent molars, extractions, space maintenance, and more. The most commonly encountered treatment needs are discussed with the goal of increasing clinician and staff confidence while decreasing chair-time and stress.

With an emphasis on practical instruction, The Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry is ideal for pediatric and general dentists, pediatric residents, and dental students taking clinical pediatric courses.

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